Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monsanto: The Seed is Safe, We Swear. But what of the Pesticides?

Monsanto wants you to know:  GMOs are safe, and haven't proven to be responsible for any health related problems in the nearly 20 years that humans, cattle and the like have been consuming these altered foods.  If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!  Check out this photograph of a GMO farmer prepping Mansanto's pesticides which will be applied to the seed and subsequent crops that we are consuming.  Yeh, right, looks perfectly safe to me.  PLEASE.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Oil's Monopoly on Oil Containment Technology Ruined Our Gulf

For those who continue to follow my Blog, Thank You.  As you've noticed, there is a tight connection between most of the topics I relate to the readers, and Big Oil.  Well, the below link merely proves my point even further.  How long are we going to allow the oil industry to rule our world?  Will there ever be enough power to overcome them?  Probably not. 

So, we have to sit back, and let them destroy OUR environment, make US sick, while they sleep peacefully in their billion dollar homes, sustain their families with untainted/GMO free foods, purified water, and filtered air, and wait for US to die?  God I hope not! 

Activist Post: Lawsuit Claims BP and Courts Colluded to Keep Monopoly on Oil Containment Tech

Morgellons: Official Research and Findings

Numerous months ago I signed up for DovePress, a website for clinical publications and findings.  Today, while reviewing a current research article that was just released to the public, I noted in the website's sidebar, a section for most viewed articles.  And, the following, extracted from the site, is the number one read/viewed article.  While from May, 2010, it most likely remains the most current defining research on Morgellons, and is a MUST READ.  Sorry the cut-and-paste quality is so poor, but the original was in PDF.  You can sign up at the DovePress website if you'd like to view the article and others in their original form.


Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
open access to scientific and medical research
Open Access Full Text Article
submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com
Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population
with clinically confirmed microscopic
subcutaneous fibers of unknown etiology
Virginia R Savely1
Raphael B Stricker2
1TBD Medical Associates, San
Francisco, CA, USA; 2International
Lyme and Associated Diseases Society,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Correspondence: Raphael B Stricker
450 Sutter Street, Suite 1504,
San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
Tel +1 415 399 1035
Fax +1 415 399 1057
Email rstricker@usmamed.com
Background: Morgellons disease is a controversial illness in which patients complain of
burning, and biting sensations under the skin. Unusual subcutaneous fibers are the
unique objective finding. The etiology of Morgellons disease is unknown, and diagnostic criteria
have yet to be established. Our goal was to identify prevalent symptoms in patients with
clinically confirmed subcutaneous fibers in order to develop a case definition for Morgellons
Methods: Patients with subcutaneous fibers observed on physical examination (designated
as the fiber group) were evaluated using a data extraction tool that measured clinical and
demographic characteristics. The prevalence of symptoms common to the fiber group was
then compared with the prevalence of these symptoms in patients with Lyme disease and no
complaints of skin fibers.
Results: The fiber group consisted of 122 patients. Significant findings in this group were
an association with tick-borne diseases and hypothyroidism, high numbers from two states
(Texas and California), high prevalence in middle-aged Caucasian women, and an increased
prevalence of smoking and substance abuse. Although depression was noted in 29% of the
fiber patients, pre-existing delusional disease was not reported. After adjusting for nonspecific
symptoms, the most common symptoms reported in the fiber group were: crawling sensations
under the skin; spontaneously appearing, slow-healing lesions; hyperpigmented scars when
lesions heal; intense pruritus; seed-like objects, black specks, or “fuzz balls” in lesions or on
intact skin; fine, thread-like fibers of varying colors in lesions and intact skin; lesions containing
thick, tough, translucent fibers that are highly resistant to extraction; and a sensation of
something trying to penetrate the skin from the inside out.
Conclusions: This study of the largest clinical cohort reported to date provides the basis for
an accurate and clinically useful case definition for Morgellons disease.
Keywords: Morgellons, subcutaneous fibers, pruritus, delusions of parasitosis, Lyme disease,
skin lesions
Morgellons disease is a poorly understood multisystem illness characterized by stinging,
biting, and crawling sensations under the skin.1 According to the Morgellons Research
Foundation (MRF) website, more than 14,000 families are reportedly affected by this
emerging disease.2 Considerable suffering occurs as thread-like fibers work their way

Monday, June 24, 2013

Have Your Ears Checked, Springtails May Be Why You Can't Hear the Truth

There's an abundance of information out there related to Collembola/Springtails, just as there is to Morgellons and other unexplained illness.  However, there are rarely any of the two that are openly intertwined. 

Here's a few more facts regarding these prehistoric "friends" of ours.  What they don't say is that they can be found living in the silk of corn ears that you buy, etc. YUM, extra protein!  NOT.



R.L. Koch, M.A. Carrillo, and W.D. Hutchison Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota


click to enlargeThough considered insects by some people, springtails (Collembolla) belong to a more primitive group of arthropods, called the Ellipura. Springtails inhabit many different regions of the world, and are even able to survive the extreme conditions of Antarctica. To date, 6000 species are known worldwide; however, in North America, fewer than 20 species cause damage to crops. Springtails live in humid environments such as leaf litter, under the bark of the trees, worm beds, snow fields, and nests built by social insects. In indoor environments, these organisms can inhabit dark, humid places such as basements, bathrooms, sinks and drainages. Springtails are thought to be the second most abundant group of soil-dwelling organisms in the world, only after the soil-dwelling mites. In general, springtails can have population densities ranging from 300 million to 1.4 billion per acre depending on factors such as humidity and organic matter content.


click to enlargeSpringtails are minute six-legged arthropods with a body size generally ranging from 0.25 to 8 mm long, although some reach up to 10 mm (see photos). These organisms have only 6 abdominal segments, lack wings and their body color varies greatly from white to pale brown to red to purple. In some instances, they may also have elaborate patterns on their bodies.

click to enlargeThe word “collembola” originates from the Greek words kola, meaning glue, and embolon, meaning peg, referring to a ventral appendage (i.e., the collophore). The collophore was once believed to serve as an attaching mechanism, but is now believed to have importance in maintaining water balance. The common name “springtail” refers to the ability of these organisms to “jump” when disturbed , or during mating. Springtails can jump (up to 100 mm) with the help of a forked appendage, called the furcula, at the tip of the abdomen (see black&white image at top of page). The furcula is generally bent forward and held close to the underside of the abdomen. The furcula can be rapidly extended backwards propelling the individual into the air. However, in some species this mechanism has atrophied.

Biology and Life Cycle

Springtails are generally considered to be detritivores (i.e., feed on decaying organic matter), but some species are herbivores or carnivores. Many of these organisms feed on decaying plant material, fungi, bacteria, arthropod feces, algae and pollen. Their mouthparts can be either chewing-biting or piercing-sucking.
Springtails present an ametabolous life cycle, meaning that they do not undergo metamorphosis. Females can lay up to 400 eggs during their lifetime. Eggs are about 0.2 mm in diameter, spherical, and are laid singly or in clusters. After about 10 days, the eggs hatch into juveniles (hatching rate is temperature dependent). Juvenile stages are similar to the adult stages, but they are smaller and without reproductive organs. In about 6 days, and after 5-8 molts, juveniles become adults. Adults will continue to molt, and are long lived with some individuals living for more than one year. An individual may experience up to 40-50 molts during its lifetime.


click to enlargeclick to enlargeAs stated before, most springtails feed primarily on decaying organic matter, and are rarely seen as crop pests. However, some species, such as the garden springtail, Bourltiella hortensis Fitch, feed on living plant tissues, generally preferring young leaves. Feeding from these herbivorous species results in small holes and surface scarring on the leaves (see photos, left). The damage resembles that of flea beetles. Roots are also fed on by some species, such as Onychiurus spp. Springtails have been reported feeding on many different vegetable crops, for example: beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, lettuce, onion, pea, potato, pumpkin, radish, spinach, squash, tomato and watermelon. Turf and ornamental plants are also sometimes fed on by springtails. In Australia, alfalfa is attacked by the lucerne flea, Sminthurus viridis. Not surprisingly, the humid conditions and abundance of organic matter in mushroom cellars can contribute to outbreaks of Hypogastrura armata on commercial mushrooms. Feeding within a crop often occurs over only a small area, but will occasionally be more expansive, and in rare occasions result in loss of an entire crop.
Aside from the agricultural setting, springtails can also attain pest status in urban environments. Under humid conditions, large numbers of springtails will sometimes move into buildings from nearby compost or other organic matter. Once in a home, the presence alone of springtails can be a nuisance to home owners. Springtails can also become a nuisance in the potting soil of household plants, if the soil is kept too moist. In the food processing industry, springtails can be considered secondary pests when unintentionally incorporated into final food products.


Springtails can be sampled using visual inspection of plants, pitfall traps, or various soil sampling techniques. Despite the potential for occasional crop damage, and the ability to sample springtails, the authors are unaware of any sampling plans or action thresholds for these pests on any vegetable crops.
Cultural techniques can be used to mitigate potential pest pressure from springtails. To lessen the likelihood of springtails occurring on crops, avoid planting into fields with high levels of organic matter. This includes organic matter from crop residues or organic matter that has been applied to the field. There is also some evidence that soils which produce deep cracks upon drying can promote the survival of springtails during drought conditions.
Insecticide use for springtail management is generally not necessary. However, granular and liquid soil treatments, as well as foliar treatments are available. A variety of products containing active ingredients such as diazinon, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and carbaryl are labeled for use against springtails. However, many of these labels are for use on turf or ornamental plants, not vegetable or field crops. Be sure to read and follow the pesticide label.

Selected References

Capinera, J.L. 2001. Handbook of Vegetable Pests. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Cranshaw, W. 2004. Garden Insects of North America: the Ultimate Guide to Backyard
Bugs. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Evans, H.E. 1968. Life on a little known planet. E.P. Dutton & Co., New York, NY.
Lyon, W.F. Springtails. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. HYG-2070-98. www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/hyg-fact/2000/2070.html

Friday, June 21, 2013

One World, One Chance: Fossil Fuel Use and Abuse

Well, we all know just how horrific the oil industry has become in its fight to control, and 'be' the "powers that be."  Many don't understand, however, just what level of damage fossil fuel use and abuse has, and WILL CAUSE our planet, our one world.  We have only one chance.  Let's figure out how to move away from depletion to self-sustained existence and preservation.


Fossil fuels facts

Fossil fuels are formed by the anaerobic decomposition of remains of organisms including phytoplankton and zooplankton that settled to the sea (or lake) bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions, millions of years ago.

Fossil fuels are oil, coal and natural gas. In 2006 primary sources of energy consisted of petroleum 36.8%, coal 26.6%, and natural gas 22.9%, amounting to an 86% share for fossil fuels in primary energy production in the world.

Crude oil is a smelly, yellow-to-black liquid and is usually found in underground areas called reservoirs. Scientists and engineers explore a chosen area by studying rock samples from the earth. Measurements are taken, and, if the site seems promising, drilling begins.

Coal is a readily combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock normally occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds.

Natural gas is a gas consisting primarily of methane. It is found associated with fossil fuels, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, and landfills.

Fossil fuels - current US energy picture.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form, and reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being formed.

All fossil fuels are made of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons store energy in the form of the atomic bonds. Energy stored in hydrocarbons can be released very easy - we just have to burn them.

When fossil fuels are burned carbon and hydrogen react with oxygen in air to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). During this reaction heat is released which further amplifies the reaction.

One of the biggest benefits of fossil fuels is their cost. Coal, oil and natural gas are abundant right now and relatively inexpensive to drill or mine for.

At current usage, the coal supply will last 1500 years. However at a 5% growth rate the coal supply will last only 86 years. We can expect even greater usage as other fossil fuels become scarce.

Coal energy yield depends on how much carbon is contained in it. Two types dominate US reserves. Anthracite is 95% carbon and is approximately 300 million years old. Lignite is 25% carbon is nearly 150 million years old.

An oil refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful petroleum products, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas.

To run a 100-watt light bulb 24 hours a day for a year we need to use about 714 pounds (325 kg) of coal in coal powered power plant (thermal efficiency of such power plant is typically abut 40%).

Fossil fuels are also overwhelmingly responsible for fueling our transportation system. Petroleum-based fuels are the standard.

One liter of regular gasoline is the time-rendered result of about 23.5 tonnes of ancient organic material deposited on the ocean floor.

The total fossil fuel used in the year 1997 is the result of 422 years of all plant matter that grew on the entire surface and in all the oceans of the ancient earth.

Burning fossil fuels is responsible for environmental issues that are high on the political agenda these days. Examples are greenhouse gas accumulation, acidification, air pollution, water pollution, damage to land surface and ground-level ozone.

Consequence of oil spills. Fossil fuels cause direct and indirect pollution.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Springtails: The history of their origin and more

I extracted the following from www.infestation.ca.  Amazing creatures that will outlive us all.



Collembola are also known as snow fleas or springtails. They are very small arthropods, generally measuring two to three millimeters in length, with some reaching one centimeter. They have highly variable colouring: red, blue, orange, yellow, pink, etc. They have four-segment antennae on their heads and from one to eight simple eyes grouped into a mass on each side, giving the impression of two distinct eyes. They are always apterous (wingless). Their abdomen has only six segments and carries the collophore and furca (or furcula). The collophore is used to suck liquids, to maintain bodily water balance, and plays a role in respiration. In the aquatic members of the species, the collophore facilitates adhesion to the surface of the water and stabilizes the individual in the wind. It is this organ that explains the group’s scientific name: ‘kola’, which means adhesive, and ‘embolos’, meaning plug or anything inserted. The furca is a forked appendage folded under the abdomen and held in place by the retinaculum (little hook); it acts as a spring and is used to propel the individual into the air. The furca also enables it to escape from predators. Thanks to this appendage, Collembola can high-jump 50 to 100 times the length of their body. Unfortunately for them, they have no control over this movement and can land just about anywhere, and often come down in the same spot. Unlike insects, most Collembola have no trachea (respiratory organ) or Malpighian tubes (excretory organs).

Biology and behaviour

Collembola are ametobolous insects, i.e. the individual that emerges from the egg is similar to the adult, but smaller, and with no mature reproductive system. Collembola can moult four or five times before attaining sexual maturity. Once they reach the adult stage, they will continue to moult periodically, unlike most insects. Each moult is preceded by a period of intense fasting so that the old tegument can be shed more easily. Reproduction in this group is variable. Some species perform elaborate sexual displays; others reproduce by parthenogenesis (female clones). But the males generally produce a spermatophore (an envelope containing the spermatozoons) that the female introduces into her genital tract. When the eggs are laid, the females sometimes coat them with a sticky substance to protect them against environmental conditions and predators. Collembola have a very short life cycle and can reach sexual maturity in less than three weeks.

Places where they can be found

Collembola are present in almost all habitats, except in the middle of lakes and oceans. They can be found in forest and farm soil, under moss, leaf beds, bark and stones, the tops of trees, in plants, on volcanoes and glaciers, in caves, etc. Some species live in salt water, others in fresh water. They are at home in places with high humidity and where organic materials are plentiful. They can reach a density of as many as 100,000 individuals per square meter, and up to 10 million per cubic meter. Collembola can also be found in dwellings. They prefer humid places such as basements, kitchens and bathrooms, as well as recent constructions where the wood, plaster and concrete are still moist. They can also be found in indoor plant soil. Despite their great numbers, Quebec’s Collembolan do not usually cause any damage and are harmless to humans, plants and other animals. However, the species Bourletellia hortensis is known for ravaging strawberry and raspberry plants. Spreading an insecticide on the plants usually solves the problem.

Ecological role

Collembola have a very significant ecological role to play since it is they who break down organic materials, transport fungus spores, and ensure microbial balance. Apart from their ecological role, they also represent a food source for various animals such as ants, beetles, lizards, frogs, small fish, etc. They feed mainly on fungus, spores, decomposing plant or animal materials, bacteria, plants, and small invertebrates.

Control methods

In light of their significant ecological role, Collembolan populations should never be controlled in their natural environment. On the other hand, when they are present in dwellings, it’s a different matter entirely. One simple and effective control method is to dry out rooms that are excessively humid. Repairing water leaks and installing a dehumidifier or fan should suffice. You should also eliminate bathroom mould and get rid of any other moist or mouldy objects. Minimizing the use of mulch around house foundations is also recommended.

Other interesting facts

Collembola have very primitive characteristics and have apparently been around since the Devonian period some 400 million years ago. Individuals from that era are identical to those of today. Because of their morphological traits, taxonomists no longer consider them insects. The current classification dissociates Entognatha (Collembola, Protura, Diplura) from Insects. Some taxonomists consider them closer to crustaceans than insects.
Collembola species that live in dry environments are physically adapted to their habitats and often have bodies covered with scales or silk to help reduce water loss.
Another interesting fact is that Collembola are often used as a main diet to feed animals living in a terrarium (frogs, lizards, etc.). Because of their small size and high nutritional value, they are an ideal foodstuff and are much more nourishing than Drosophila.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Life Beyond Morgellons: It's there, but you have to fight for it.

Three years post, and life is nearly still as traumatizing as it was.  March, 2010, near death with an unexplained eye infection that had infiltrated my brain.  Left for dead.  BUT I FOUGHT!  And, still do to this day.

While I've overcome the outward symptoms - the pain, and the fear, what remains is the psychological toll that becoming ill with an "illness" that the Centers for Disease Control won't even address, has taken on me.

I post as often as I find it within me.  I act, react, and spill my soul to the unknown in the hopes that it will save just one soul.  I pray to all the Gods above, not knowing which one will answer.


Believe in yourself first.  Find the strength to believe in others.  Understand God's will and path for us all, and we will find peace.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chemtrails, Not Only in the USA - World Wide!

When was the last time you stared up at the sky, whether day or night?  Ever noticed the cross-hatching of "jet airliner vapor trails?"  Well, FYI, vapor trails dissipate, chemtrails do not.  They leave a very distinct pattern, most often cross-hatched, in the sky.  They can be noted during the day or nighttime hours.
Many believe them to be organizations attempting to control the weather patterns by using aluminum oxide.  Perhaps to control global warming and drought.  But many others, including the organization behind this video, believe, if not know, that we, the little people, are experimental rats in a maze controlled by "super powers," out-of-control, privately owned mega corporations, and, sadly enough,  our own governments.  And this "phenomenon" is worldwide.

Morgellons was on Rachael Ray?

Haven't verified that Morgellons was on the Rachael Ray show.  But intend to do so.  Just wanted to post this latest YouTube video immediately.


Legal Hope for Morgellons Sufferers?

While the below content of this post is a bit on the old side, I personally know the individual who wrote this piece.  She has been fighting for those suffering from Morgellons for years. 

I am just beginning to research if there have been additional legal cases filed, and what the outcome(s) were, if any were filed and brought to trial.

Public recognition of this debilitating disease is a victory in itself.  However, proof that the legal system is willing to acknowledge those that are stricken with Morgellons is an even bigger VICTORY, and security of mind for those who are unable to function in their normal capacities.  The security of knowing that there may be legal hope for Morgellons sufferers is huge, and may be the only ray of hope on their daily horizon.

While many who have suffered from the disease have made full, or nearly full recoveries.  Many others don't, and may never be able to return to their normal daily activities of work, family and more.  For those whose immune systems render them unable to overcome Morgellons, I hope my research will provide much needed assistance and answers for your future.  I will post the evidence as I find it.

Keep the faith!


Morgellons – A Mundane Approach

We won a Landmark Case yesterday in Court, in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court, of the State of Florida.  Dragonfly got her Social Security Benefits retroactive up to 6 months after her initial diagnosis in 2006 and MEDICARE retroactive 6 months from the loss of her insurance. 

I submitted a Letter from Ginny Waite Brown to the CDC,  all Documentation, Deborah Auschullers Collembola study and even Joes research.  THANK YOU JOE KELEHER, BECAUSE JOE DOESN’T WRITE SLOW, HE MAKES SENSE.

It took 4 years of work and the judge rendered the verdict in 8 minutes and 50 seconds.  He said Morgellons three times. People have got to save every medical record and any information calling them delusional, take photographs and save them. The Judge just happened to be here on assignment from Tulsa and her file was 5 inches thick.


Our Attorney knew more about this disease than any attorney and his brief was impeccable, sensible, no conspiracy theories.  HE WAS A SAINT sent from God. After our win I stood in the parking lot and cried for a half an hour and just hugged the Attorney.  It appears he asked to take the case because Dragonfly was a local personality and he had seen her during her well years on TV.  His comment, when I asked him what he thought was, "The way these people have been treated is horrific and it is appalling."

We have a conference with a nationwide law firm next Tuesday and I will be able to ascertain how many other cases they can take on.  Now that we have set a Florida precedence on a non existent (according to many Doctors) disease,  we just trumped the CDC.  We had photos, Raman graphs, disks documenting her progressive deterioration, the Body Bugs Films (thank you Patrick Fraser) and every lab and also doctors notes where she was called DOP.  Dragonfly was exceptional, honest, and exhausted,  a win for one, we hope will be a win for all.



Saturday, April 27, 2013

Freedom of Speech: Always Knew We'd Get Back There

All of the time that has passed, when I've known our voices were being quashed, quieted, killed.  Now, with this, I truly believe there is HOPE.  The truth should be told no matter how scared you might be of the repercussions.  The WORLD must know.  We should ALL be able to speak our minds, and not fear the end result.  OUR GOVERNMENT.

Thanks "guardian" for moving and shaking.

M.E.O.W. Monumental Expression of Writers: A New Yorker Times Collaboration
Monumental Expression of Writers
The New Yorker Times is presently poised to begin making a difference in the lives of authors, journalists, poets, and literary critics of our universe. The time has finally arrived for us to galvanize the hopes of our inspirational creative community, in an effort to maximize our individual and collective interest. The time has come for us to seize upon today’s technological advances in communications; to collectively employ social networking resources and complete the paradigm shift started by our predecessors. A shift that has motivated interest in the common plight of ordinary men and women.
The power of change has always resided in the imaginative hands of creative thinkers and messengers of our universe, and it’s time we arm ourselves with this axiomatic truth. We are the content producers. We have given birth to revolutions, scientific discovery, literary inventions and technological advancements. We are the primary instruments of communication, and a world without our fundamental contribution would arguably wonder in darkness. Thus, as writers, it is time for us to not only talk about ways to improve the quality of our life, it’s time for us to collectively take an active role.
The New Yorker Times is committed to action; action fueled by ideas and ideals of a culturally diverse artistic authorial world community.  This is a clarion call to all writers of all nationalities, all cultures across the terrestrial surface to participate. It’s a chance for us to collectively make a difference, and enhance the quality of our individual lives.
The first step in launching NewYorkerTimes.com seeks the input of writers across the globe.  Your contribution will be fashioned into a monumental expression that communicates a sense of collective and individual purpose and inspiration. You will be asked to answer one question: “What is the most important thing individuals seek?” Secondly, you will be required to limit your answer to one short paragraph. The finished product will be inclusionary, as it will contain an edited collection of all submissions.
The collective product may ultimately become known as, “The Model,” or “The Human Model.” Why call it, “The Model?” Because at the very root of every model imagined was an author. Thus, we thought it appropriate to take a firm stand and stake out our claim to the name, as writers are the primary source to all news, information, entertainment and inspiration literature. In other words, such a title will remind us of the power we intrinsically possess.
The initial document that will be published two weeks before New Yorker Times is formally launched to the world. It will be updated on a monthly basis. As more and more writers make inspired contributions, their ideas will be integrated. This ever evolving product will be published in both “The Guardian Express” and New Yorker Times online publications, and it will guide us in our efforts to provide writers with a platform where their voices may be heard.
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This clarion call to action begins now. Join our dynamic and sociable news media network, not as an onlooker but as an important artistic participant. The New Yorker Times offers its members and readers a comprehensive social network along with an Artist’s Review experience unlike anything ever offered on the internet. Artists such as musicians, singers, dancers, actors, painters, models, designers, authors, writers and many others, now have the opportunity to participate in the creation of a collaborative movement that seeks to highlight up-and-coming artistic talent.
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Writers interested in having their ideas published in the Monumental Expression Of Writers (M.E.O.W.) can action by submitting a short, one paragraph answer to the question: “What is the most important thing individuals seek?”
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Beem Me Up Scottie...There's No Intelligent Life Down Here

WOW!  If I weren't a Mom with three little angels that need me to be here for them, I'd sign up for this trip in a heartbeat.  Although, my plans would, in addition to exploring Mars' layered existence, be to formulate, create, test, and ultimately use, the return technology that our civilization is lacking.  Of course, I'd probably need a bit of advanced techno "help." Who knows what can happen when you wish upon a star.


A one-way ticket to Mars, apply now

By Ben Brumfield and Elizabeth Landau, CNN
updated 7:14 AM EDT, Tue April 23, 2013

Would you take a one-way trip to Mars?

  • Mars One wants to fly people to Mars and leave them there to live
  • Every two years, a new crew would join them
  • There is no return flight; you die there
  • Some of it is media hype, but some is not, a source says

(CNN) -- Step right up and prove why you should get a one-way ticket to Mars! Well, wait -- you might want to know a little more about the venture first.
A Dutch company called Mars One began looking Monday for volunteer astronauts to fly to Mars. Departure for the Red Planet is scheduled for 2022, landing seven months later in 2023.
The space travelers will return ... never. They will finish out their lives on Mars, representatives from the nonprofit said.
"It's likely that there will be a crematorium," said CEO Bas Lansdorp. "It's up to the people on Mars to decide what to do with their dead."
Still, the company said it has received more than 10,000 e-mails from interested would-be spacefarers.
Mars applicants apply here

Friday, April 19, 2013

Calling All You Angels: The World Needs Your Help

The recent bombing during the Boston Marathon, and the subsequent shut-down of nearly the entire city of Boston and its suburbs, called my heart and brain to action.  Of course, I'm always concerned with the World, and the impending doom that man has created for itself.  But this particular incident has me more than concerned than ever. 

None of what is being reported makes sense.  Two well-adapted, young men, with lots of friends and family attesting to their good nature.  Great repoire with teachers, and instructors.  One a second-year medical student. The other with a guaranteed future as a boxer - not to mention he, the one whose life was unfortunately taken during the manhunt, was making a go at being in the next Olympics.

I need to know how to equate all of what I've heard and seen on live stream.  I'm sure we'll never know whether these young men were victims and just merely "scape goats."  Or, if there truly was something in their hearts that they believed in fighting for or against.

What I do know is that our world has "gone to the dogs" as they say.  And, that without the help of higher power, we are on our way to a certain end.  One that has already proven will be disastrous, devastating, and will place in suffering the ones who are the farthest from deserving.

Prayers out to all.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

When You Wish Upon a Star: Kepler at Work

From the time I was a small child, and old enough to be cerebral, I always believed, and knew deep in my heart that we are not alone.  Whether God, as we know his infinite greatness, is the reason for our existence, or, the Big Bang Theory.  I know that the majesty and wonder of existence cannot be solely ours.  There must be other life elsewhere in the vastness of space.  If only we as a civilization were advanced enough to propel ourselves out into the great unknown.  Imagine what we'd find!  Christopher Columbus would have nothing on us.  And hopefully, that which we would discover would be cherished, rather than destroyed as with past generations on Earth.



    NASA's Kepler Discovers its Smallest 'Habitable Zone' Planets to Date
    A diagram showing the planets found by Kepler in the Relative sizes of Kepler habitable zone planets discovered as of April 18, 2013. Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e, Kepler-62f, and Earth (except for Earth, these are artists' renditions). Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech.

    An artist's concept of the planet Kepler-69c. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    The artist's concept depicts Kepler-69c, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star like our sun.
    Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

    The diagram compares the planets of our inner solar system to Kepler-69, a two-planet system. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    The diagram compares the planets of the inner solar system to Kepler-69, a two-planet system about 2,700 light-years from Earth.
    Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

    An artist's concept of Kepler-62e. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    This artist's concept depicts Kepler-62e, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth.
    Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

    An artist's concept of Kepler-62f against a starry background. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    This artist's concept depicts Kepler-62f, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of its star.
    Image credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech

    The diagram compares the planets of our inner solar system to Kepler-62. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    The diagram compares the planets of the inner solar system to Kepler-62, a five-planet system about 1,200 light-years from Earth.
    Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

    An artist's concept of the Kepler-62 system showing rocky Kepler-62f in the foreground, the star, Kepler-62a just rising over the edge of the planet and, seen as a small, bright light in the sky, the planet Kepler-62e. Click for multiple resolutions and caption.
    Much like our solar system, Kepler-62 is home to two habitable zone worlds. The small shining object seen to the right of Kepler-62f is Kepler-62e. Orbiting on the inner edge of the habitable zone, Kepler-62e is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth.
    Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

    MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- NASA's Kepler mission has discovered two new planetary systems that include three super-Earth-size planets in the "habitable zone," the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might be suitable for liquid water.

    The Kepler-62 system has five planets; 62b, 62c, 62d, 62e and 62f. The Kepler-69 system has two planets; 69b and 69c. Kepler-62e, 62f and 69c are the super-Earth-sized planets.

    Two of the newly discovered planets orbit a star smaller and cooler than the sun. Kepler-62f is only 40 percent larger than Earth, making it the exoplanet closest to the size of our planet known in the habitable zone of another star. Kepler-62f is likely to have a rocky composition. Kepler-62e, orbits on the inner edge of the habitable zone and is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth.

    The third planet, Kepler-69c, is 70 percent larger than the size of Earth, and orbits in the habitable zone of a star similar to our sun. Astronomers are uncertain about the composition of Kepler-69c, but its orbit of 242 days around a sun-like star resembles that of our neighboring planet Venus.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thanks America for Showing Once Again How "Little" You Care

The damage has been done.  Three souls to this point lost.  More than 130 injured - having to relive the events every day for the rest of their lives.  While we don't know the "Who?" of the question.  The "Why" is obvious.  Our country has let us down.  People are "pissed off." 

We can't eat our grain - due to all the genetic modifications.  We can't eat our seafood - because we sold out long ago to Big Oil.  We can't breathe our air, because it's poisoned with dispersants - or cover-ups (if you choose to see it that way).  We, the little people, can't even begin to live.  PERIOD.

How sickly our  land.  That just about every foreign nation loathes us?  It's not "We the People" who have caused this catastrophe.  It's "We, the rich and powerful, that now control your lives like puppets on a string."

God send your peace down on the average man who tills the soil, works the mines, makes the coffee,and functions every day regardless, and our soldiers who vigilantly watch over ALL.  For though WE are the United States of America, WE are not represented by any of THOSE that would have our nation be as it once was intended.

My love, my heart, my prayers to all those....


Boston Fans Mourn, Then Cheer as Sports Return

Emerging from a moment of silence with a deafening cheer, fans at Wednesday night's Bruins game paid tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing with a stirring national anthem and a thunderous chant of "U.S.A.!"

The sold-out crowd at the first major sporting event in the city since Monday's attack lined up for metal-detecting wands and random car inspections to get into the TD Garden. Once inside, they watched a somber video with scenes from the race, ending with the words, "We are Boston, We are Strong."
The players on the ice for the opening faceoff banged their sticks in the traditional hockey salute, drifting back off the blue lines so that they, too, could see the video. The Boston Fire Department Honor Guard brought out the U.S. flag to honor the first responders who rushed to the aid of the three killed and more than 170 injured by the twin bombs at the marathon finish line.
Longtime Boston Garden troubadour Rene Rancourt took his place for the "Star-Spangled Banner." But he sang only the first few lines, allowing the crowd to carry the tune while he pumped his fist to keep time.

It was an emotional return to normal life for the city, which has been dazed by the attacks on one of its signature and most beloved events. Monday's scheduled Bruins game against Ottawa was rescheduled, and Tuesday night's Celtics game was canceled outright.
Boston Marathon Sabres Hockey.JPEG
But the Bruins said they were determined to help the city move on.

"You're trying to live your life in peace, and there's people trying to disrupt that," coach Claude Julien said after the team's morning skate. "The people trying to live their life in peace are going to stick together."

Players on both teams wore "Boston Strong" decals on their helmets, and the Garden was illuminated in blue and yellow, the colors of the Boston Athletic Association.

Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs pledged $100,000 to The One Fund Boston, the charity established to help families affected by the bombing; the Garden, the NHL and the players association pledged $50,000 each. Ads on the dasher boards and the video screens gave the website address for the fund.
Bruins players and staff collected 80 tickets to the game to donate to the first responders. Forward Brad Marchand raffled off his own suite for the team's first playoff game, with the proceeds to go to the family of 8-year-old Martin Richards, who was killed in the blast.

"I'm sure tonight will be full of emotion," forward Chris Kelly said Wednesday morning. "If we can go play hard to help the city of Boston in any way we can, I know everybody in this locker room would be willing to do that.

"We love the city. We want to help in any way we can — if we can give them 10 minutes of joy, or 20 hours of joy — anything we can do."

That was already accomplished 5:45 into the first period, when Daniel Paille's goal to give the Bruins a 1-0 lead over the Buffalo Sabres brought a raucous chant of "We are Boston!"

During the first break, public address announcer Jim Martin asked any runners from Monday's race to stand up; many were wearing their finishers' medals. He then asked for applause for anybody who has ever run; by the time he recognized anyone who has ever volunteered or watched the race, virtually the entire crowd was standing

"It's a great day. It's a great day for a lot of people," said Bruins forward Jay Pandolfo, who went to Boston University. "There's no reason for this to happen. You never thought something like this could happen, especially in the city of Boston. Stuff like this doesn't cross your mind."
Cars were searched inside and out before entering the arena's underground garage in the morning, with guards using a mirror on a pole to check the undercarriage. Sports writers, usually subject to only the most cursory inspection, were waved with a metal-detecting wand when passing through security for the Bruins' morning skate.

"It brings back memories you don't want," said Pandolfo, who was with the New Jersey Devils during the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "It's something you don't want to think about. You want to go ahead with your life. You don't want to live in fear."

All of the Bruins players said they feel safe at the arena and walking around the city, commending authorities for the added security since the bombing. Any anxiety, Julien said, needs to be directed toward the game.

"It's a different feeling, but you're battling with your inner strength to not let it get the best of you," he said. "The best thing we can do is to make things better for the people of Boston. Sports is a great way to pull people together. Just going out there making the city proud of their team, and that's what we're going to do."

Monday, April 15, 2013

Morgellons: Sufferers of the Past, Present,and Most Certainly the Future

The following article was extracted from The Washington Post's website.  In all the time I have been researching Morgellons online, this is the first time I have stumbled upon such an indepth article.  You'd think that I would have found it sooner since it was written and printed in January, 2008.  And why haven't there been more articles since?  Why isn't more attention being paid to this REAL disease?  How many people have to die, whether from the disease itself, or self-inflicted gun shot wounds when they can't take it anymore?  These people - it is now a worldwide disorder - need help.  America has always come to the aid of those in need. So why not now?  What's the problem?  I think I know.  Make your best guess, and you're probably right too.


Figments of the Imagination?
By Brigid Schulte
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sue Laws remembers the night it began. It was October 2004, and she'd been working in the basement home office of her Gaithersburg brick rambler where she helps her husband run their tree business. She was sitting at her computer getting the payroll out, when all of a sudden she felt as if she were being attacked by bees. The itching and stinging on her back was so intense that she screamed for her husband, Tom. He bounded downstairs and lifted her shirt, but he couldn't see anything biting her. She insisted something must be. To prove there was nothing there, he stuck strips of thick packing tape to her back and ripped them off. Then they took the magnifying eyepiece that Tom, an arborist, uses to examine leaves for fungus and blight and peered at the tape. "That's when we saw them. It was covered with these little red fibers," Sue recalls. She'd never seen anything like them. And she had no idea where they came from. "You automatically think clothing. But I wasn't wearing anything red."
This Story
Over the next month, Sue's itching intensified. Every night, she says, it felt as if thousands of tiny bugs were crawling under her skin, stinging and biting. She became unable to sleep at night. She left the lights on, because the crawling seemed to be worse in the dark. Thinking it might have been a flea infestation, Sue and Tom pulled up all the carpets in the house. Thinking perhaps it was mold, they tore off the wallpaper. They sanded and stained the bare floors, and then Tom called an exterminator.

Every morning, Sue says, she found little black specks all over her side of the bed. Then she discovered droplets of blood where the specks appeared to be coming out of her skin. "I looked like I had paper cuts all over," she says. She began washing the sheets in ammonia every day. Next, her chest, neck, face, back, arms and legs broke out in painful, red gelatinous lesions that never seemed to heal. To get some relief, she stayed in the shower for hours. She bathed in vinegar and sea salt and doused her body with baby powder. Nothing really helped.

Her joints began to ache. She lost all her energy and became forgetful. She says she would comb her hair, and tangled clumps of what looked like hair, fibers, dust and skin tissue would fall out. Then, she says, her actual hair began to fall out and her teeth began to rot. She refused to let anyone in the house and stopped going out. She didn't know what she had, but she was afraid she might be contagious.

One day, she says, a pink worm came out of one of her eyeballs and she coughed up a springtail fly. "That's when I thought, 'I'm really going to kill myself,'" she says.

Sue visited a dermatologist, who said he didn't know what was wrong. In time, Sue, 51, came across a condition on the Internet that sounded exactly like her own, and joined 11,036 others from the United States and around the world who, as of earlier this month, had registered on a Web site as sufferers of what they say is a strange new debilitating illness. Some call it the "fiber disease," but most refer to it as Morgellons, a name taken from a similar condition of children wasting away with "harsh hairs" described in the 17th century. A frustrated mother, Mary Leitao, then living in South Carolina, happened upon the description in an old medical history book in 2002 after doctors didn't believe her when she told them that her son had fibers growing out of his lip.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Psychological Child Abuse 101

If only the latest in psychological research and findings had been available at the time I needed it, my abusive ex-husband - who I'm sure at the same time paid off Judge Curtis J. Neal in Hernando County, Florida - wouldn't have "triumphed" in his eight-year long sickly court battle against me to win custody of my three beautiful angels.  I always knew money made things happen, but PLEASE.

Read the following excerpt.  Appreciate what is being said.  Look around you, and see who may be suffering from the same.  AND TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!  A child's mind is so pure and open.  It's truly a sin to see it tainted by the sick, evil experiences, and thereafter desires, of those that will take that from them.

Please read.  Please share.  Please react.


Caught Between Parents
Supporting children through the challenges of divorce

Parental Alienation Is Emotional Abuse of Children

Should children be allowed to choose one parent over the other
Parental alienation is a set of strategies that parents use to undermine and interfere with a child's relationship with his or her other parent. This often but not always happens when parents are engaged in a contested custody battle. There is no one definitive set of behaviors that constitute parental alienation but research with both parents and children has revealed a core set of alienation strategies, including bad-mouthing the other parent, limiting contact with that parent, erasing the other parent from the life and mind of the child (forbidding discussion and pictures of the other parent), forcing the child to reject the other parent, creating the impression that the other parent is dangerous, forcing the child to choose, and belittling and limiting contact with the extended family of the targeted parent.

Parents who try to alienate their child from his or her other parent convey a three-part message to the child: (1) I am the only parent who loves you and you need me to feel good about yourself, (2) the other parent is dangerous and unavailable, and (3) pursuing a relationship with that parent jeopardizes your relationship with me. In essence the child receives the message that s/he is worthless and unloved and only of value for meeting the needs of others. This is the core experience of psychological maltreatment (emotional abuse) as defined by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC).
Research with "adult children" of parental alienation syndrome (that is, adults who believe that when they were children one parent turned them against the other parent) confirms that being exposed to parental alienation represents a form of emotional abuse. Furthermore, these adults reported that when they succumbed to the pressure and rejected one parent to please the other, the experience was associated with several negative long-term effects including depression, drug abuse, divorce, low self-esteem, problems with trusting, and alienation from their own children when they became parents themselves. In this way the cycle of parental alienation was carried forward through the generations. Thus, parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse that damages the child's self esteem in the short run and is associated with life-long damage.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Morgellons: It is Everywhere, and in Everything!

The following article by Marc Neumann is a compilation of data on Morgellons Disease which I acquired from a German Morgellons website while researching the potential for bovine digital dermatitis to be a contributing factor to the increase in humans with Morgellons. 

As I theorized that if cattle are infected, than why so wouldn't it transmit to the human population through the beef we eat, the milk we drink, and the butter and cheese we consume as well.

Well, I honestly have to say that I hate it when I'm right.  But, more importantly, the following information suggests that it isn't merely cattle, but poultry, textiles, and just about anything else one can come in contact with including organically grown vegetables, coffee and more.

While reading the following is going to put the "fear of God" into the reader, IT MUST BE KNOWN and shared with those who are living in "ignorant bliss."


Transmission and Dispersion:

The spread and propagation of this Morgellons live form (fungus or fungus-like as e.g. protozoan) which is likely an airborne fungus living in soil, can occur at any time, usually, via naturally occurring spores. But germination, further growth, activity and infectiousness require the right environmental conditions (pH, temperatures, moisture).

Alternatively, if we assume the pesticide industry as distributors, dispersion is accomplished by industrially manufactured hollow or porous fibers (light- and pH-sensitive polymers) of plastic, lignin, cotton, or cellulose that are used to carry or to coat and protect unstable bio-insecticides (microbes) against UV-light, heat, etc.

The spread of the Morgellons disease happened actually very slowly over the past 20 to 30 years, and it is not comparable with AIDS or SARS. It could be that some bio-insecticide was used locally at first, by pheromone traps or spraying actions, and then gradually spread across the country, due to increasing usage over many years.

Read more about in the feature "BIO-INSECTICIDES" under "Morgellons Disease Factors"
Further dispersion could have been made by storms, hurricanes, floods, humans, animals or insects, rather than by mass spraying, such as chemtrails. Despite having the same number of chemtrail actions in Europe, and even if we would have a longer prepatent period before disease outbreak, we would see more infections worldwide, because there are many more immunocompromised people (e.g. drug users, hospital patients and residents of retirement centers, etc.).

What happens to these Morgellons organisms after they are rinsed into sewage systems is currently not clear. They may survive in water or sewage purification plants, perhaps even after chemical treatments.

There are reports annually of urban biological sewage purification plants that have a number of problems already with bacteria and nematodes collecting in filtering units. Theoretically then, it would be possible for these parasites to arrive over water pipelines back into dwellings (via shower, washing machine, drinking faucet, etc.).

It is not impossible, since gradually more locations (soil, lakes, plants) are infested with these parasites. Messy and unclean living conditions, as well as any chronic illnesses, will favor constant re-infection with these parasitic life forms.

Ways of transmission:

Based on my survey results (read more under "Inquiry Results" and "Statistic"), people were contaminated in many different ways. One lady was infected from a night in a hotel room, others from motels and contaminated linens. Another lady contracted Morgellons when she slept in the bed of her mother, who already had Morgellons.

Some contracted it from a one-night-stand or touching a stray dog, others from cats, hamsters, birds, bird mites, wild rabbits, cows, poultry, goats, horses, insect bites, or direct contact with soil or plant leaves, or after flooding of the house. Infection has occurred simply by sitting on the grass, or living next to Monsanto test fields for insecticides e.g. on Hawai.

There are families in which the parents show no symptoms, but one or some of the children, even babies, are symptomatic. Sometimes only the wife is infected, sometimes only the husband, and sometimes both. Sometimes all members of a bigger family are infected.
Most who left their homes for vacation had more relief and fewer symptoms during their periods of infection. The moment they returned home was the moment when all their symptoms started again (moldy home).

Many couples have written me that one partner has Morgellons, but they still have sex together. Even after many years, the non-afflicted partner (masculine types) did not show any disease symptoms. The same applies to families, where one mother alone or living with one child was infected, while other children or the husband was not, or vice versa.

There are myriad variations of infection patterns among family members present in the home. Most are just prone to Morgellons due to a latent or already active infection by Borrelia bacteria which is causing Lyme disease.


Cross-contamination among humans could be taking place even through damp hand contact. Theoretically, it can occur with any contact that is still moist from body perspiration, such as in a crowded bus, locker room, gym, swimming pool, or on shopping cart handles or public telephones.

Summer temperatures would favor contamination. One could sweat, wipe the sweat away with the hands, or onto the clothes, then these same hands might contaminate any number of possible objects, such as money from a sweaty wallet carried in the back pocket, the blood pressure cuff at your doctor's office, the brushes and combs used by your hairdresser, the countertop at the nightclub or bar, and office keyboards.

Of course, a common means of higher contamination is through shared secretions in sexual contact or IV drug use. Consider the fact that only one infected e.g. prostitute, with or without condom, who does not recognize this illness, could be visited by approximately 200-400 men in a month, and thus alone could cover a sphere of activity by approximately 4,000- 5,000 persons or more.

One can spread infection directly or through one's family members and close associates. These figures need to be increased to include family members and acquaintances, who are at risk of being infected or become a latent carrier of spores. So just by taking the example of the active homosexual or participants in prostitution, large numbers of infections will occur through close body contact. Safer sex just does not work in these scenarios!

Therefore, the larger the group and the more intimate the public contact, such as with sharing a toilet area for prolonged times on long-distance trains, recirculated air on airplanes, or public telephones, the larger the risk of exposure and an indirect infection.

If however nobody is warned either by the press or health authorities, then no one can protect himself against it. With this disease, as compared to AIDS, things are different. Completely innocent people, including children, babies and pets, can be infected in the near future at any time by touch.

Big cities, such as Paris, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Munich, Budapest, Vienna, and Athens, offer more favorable conditions than rural areas for spreading infection among the population.
Currently, there are approximately 100,000 humans (based on my survey results) officially infected with Morgellons disease worldwide. The dark numbers of infections are possibly more than 10 million. Eastern countries, aquatic and terrestrial animals are not even taken into account.

Further inquiry results revealed, that most of the Morgellons afflicted had also bacterial coinfections, acquired probably by this fungus (vector). Which may transmit also bacterial or viral pathogenes, and perhaps filaria or insect eggs, once the fungus had infected mammals. Approximately 60% had Borrelia, 30% Chlamydia and 10% of the sufferers had a Mycoplasma infection. Some afflicted had even all of these infections at once.

Another factor in containment of the spread is self-quarantine by contaminated persons, who take extreme precautions and isolation to avoid further transmission, thereby losing friends, spouses, partners, family, work, and their reputations and social life.

U.S. the origin?
Further inquiry results revealed that most European and Asian tourists contracted Morgellons after a holiday trip to Florida, California, Texas or NY, or after having had contact with people who had visited the U.S., or from Americans who had visited their countries. Additionally, the export of American goods plays a certain role in the spread.

Many Europeans who live in harbor cities, such as Amsterdam, Stockholm, London, Bremen and Hamburg, probably contracted Morgellons from goods arriving on U.S. ships. Harbors, airports and big cities, seem to contribute more to distribution of this disease. Therefore, also New York, New Orleans, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles and so on are predestined to have higher rates of infection cases in U.S.

These few facts suggest that the origin of Morgellons must be in the U.S., where something is in use that is not applied in Europe. Because of that, I think that chemtrails are really not the cause of, but may contribute to, higher dispersion of Morgellons via electrostatic polymers that can attract all kinds of pathogens in nature (soil or sky).

If the first recorded Morgellons epidemic happened in Texas, Florida and California, then we have to look in those states to find out what was used and spread from there. It could have to do with the use of bio-insecticides as natural antagonists (opponents) to fight red fire ants, ticks, mosquitos, or pests on crop plantations.